Savannah, GA, March 30, 2013 – Selected among several outstanding local Boys & Girls Club youth, Alonzo Baker participated with other Boys & Girls Club members for the state of Georgia Youth of the Year title. As the new Youth of the Year for the Frank Callen Boys & Girls Clubs, 18 -year old Alonzo is a true example of an extraordinary young man recognized by Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) for his sound character, his leadership skills, and willingness to give back to the community.
Being named Youth of the Year is the highest honor a Boys & Girls Club member can receive. As BGCA’s premier youth recognition program, Youth of the Year recognizes outstanding contributions to a member’s family, school, community and Boys & Girls Club, as well as overcoming personal challenges and obstacles. Youth of the Year encourages Club members to reach their full potential by achieving academic success, leading a healthy lifestyle, and contributing to their communities. Youth of the Year honorees are shining examples and living proof that great futures start at Boys & Girls Clubs. As a seven year member, Alonzo is the epitome of a Boys & Girls Club kid, empathetic, giving, and humble and role model to our younger members. "We are very proud that he is a part of our organization at the Frank Callen Boys & Girls Club,” said Vincent J. DelMonte, Executive Director of the Frank Callen Boys & Girls Club.
Alonzo is the oldest of his siblings. They depend on him for support, encouragement, and affection. He spends countless hours with them. He has the total care of his eighty year old grandmother with whom he lives. Growing up without his father in his life did into deter him from becoming the outstanding person. His mother says he was her inspiration to return to college.
In the Frank Callen Club Alonzo is known as the "go to person” by the other members. He is a member of the Keystone Club. His dedication to the Club is so passionate. He spent his entire summer volunteering with the summer program.
He also chaired the goals for Growth Graduation program for the teen youth. Keystoning is the Boys & Girls Club Movement’s most dynamic teen program. It affords teens an opportunity to gain valuable leadership and service experience. They conduct activities in three areas: academic success, career exploration, and community service.
The Taco Bell Foundation for Teens sponsors the Keystone Club program as part of a multi-year teen initiative; a strategic partnership between the Foundation and BGCA provides Clubs with the tools and resources to create a positive place for teens as well as for kids.
Alonzo works a part-time, but he finds time to help at the St. Mary’s Community Center. In his neighborhood, he does errands and tasks for the elderly residents and mentors in his neighborhood to youth to take school seriously and to stay away from trouble. Alonzo is an outstanding academic student at Memorial Day School.
He is on scholarship and works hard to maintain his grades. He has risen above expectations. Alonzo does not choose sports over academics but he has amazingly led Memorial to two basketball championships. "It is Alonzo’s grades, achievements and personality that creates the kind of environment says his school's headmaster, Michalle Quarles. Alonzo has several career plans for his future which include chef, physician, physical therapist, and professional athlete.